Anti-Dumping Investigation
The Ministry of the Economy published on 31 March 2020 in the Official Journal of the Federation, the decision accepting the interested party’s request and declaring the initiation of the anti-dumping investigation procedure on imports of textile textile textile textile filament (PFTT) originating in the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India, regardless of the country of origin.
The publication states that the company Akra Polyester, S.A. de C.V., submitted an application for the initiation of an administrative procedure for the investigation of unfair practices in international trade, in the form of price discrimination, which was accepted by the Secretary of Economy.
The object of the anti-dumping investigation shall be the commodity known as continuous texturised textile filament yarn or texturised polyester yarn (PTY) and corresponding to a synthetic continuous multifilament yarn manufactured from polyester polyester polyethylene terephthalate (PET) either virgin or recycled, which is manufactured through a textured process that imparts special properties to yarn filaments, including elasticity, thickness, strength, moisture absorption, insulation, as well as the appearance of a natural fiber.
This product is a commodity that is manufactured from polyester obtained from virgin or recycled PET that is classified in the tariff fraction 5402.33.01 and is a demand in many end uses, including the manufacture of fibres that have contact with people as clothing, home textiles and carpets, bedding and automotive seats; in addition it is also used in industrial applications such as medical material and devices, industrial materials and general automotive applications.
The investigation period shall run from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 and the injury analysis period shall be from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2019.
The commented resolution provides an opportunity for natural or legal persons interested in participating in the anti-dumping investigation procedure, they do so within 23 working days starting 5 days after the date of dispatch of the office notifying the initiation of the procedure, or 5 days after the publication of that decision in the Official Journal.
If your company imports the product under investigation as part of its production inputs, in Bandala | Díaz | García we have the specialized staff that can help you determine the desirability of participating in this research.
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