Antidumping Duties to Chinese Plastic Atomizers
The Ministry of Economic Affairs published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) the final decision on the administrative procedure for examining the validity of the compensatory quota imposed on imports of plastic atomizers originating in the People’s Republic of China.
It should be noted that the above-mentioned resolution is preceded by the final resolution of the anti-dumping investigation into imports of plastic atomizers originating in the People’s Republic of China which was published on 21 April 2009 and in which a final compensatory quota of 86%.
The product under examination was plastic atomizers with a thread diameter of 15 to 24 millimetres, with heights 410 and 415, according to minimum and maximum parameters (thread diameter and height) provided for in the United States Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) standard, including aluminium cap atomizers entering the Mexican market according to the following tariff description:
Tariff codification | Description |
Chapter 96 | Miscellaneous manufactured articles |
Heading 9616 | Toilet sprayers, their mounts and heads, tassels and the like for the application of powders, other cosmetics or toilet products. |
Subheading 9616.10 | Toilet sprayers, their mounts and head mountings. |
Fraction: 9616.10.01 | Toilet sprayers, their mounts and saddle heads. |
For the goods identified above and entering under the tariff fraction 9616.10.01, it was decided to terminate the examination procedure for the validity of the countervailing quota imposed on imports originating in the PRC of that product.
Similarly, it was decided to extend the final compensatory quota of 86% for a further five years, starting on 22 April 2019.
It is important to note that importers will not be obliged to pay this compensatory quota when they verify that the country of origin of the atomizers is different from the PRC.
In Bandala | Díaz | García we have experts in the field of Foreign Trade. If you have doubts about this or other topic, come to us.
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