The Ministry of Economy published in the Official Journal of the Federation, the FINAL resolution of the administrative procedure for the examination of the validity of the countervailing duties imposed on imports of partially hydrogenated fatty acid originating in the United States of America.
It should be noted that the decision in question is preceded by the Final Resolution of the anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of partially hydrogenated fatty acid originating in the United States of America which was published in the Official Journal of the Federation since on 7 April 2005 determining a definitive countervailing duty of 23.29% on imports of partially hydrogenated fatty acid obtained by the hydrolysis of animal tallow the chemical composition of which:
A. Does not exceed a maximum content of:
i. 32% for palmitic acid,
ii. 32% for stearic acid and
iii. 48% for oleic acid,
B. Has a value:
i. iodine from 32 to 50 and
ii. acid from 197 to 207.
Through the publication of the decision to initiate the administrative procedure for the review of validity, the Ministry of Economy convened national producers, importers, exporters and any person who considered that they had a legal interest in the outcome of this examination, to appear to present arguments and evidence which they considered relevant.
At this stage of the investigation, no interested party appeared, with the exception of Quimic, S.A. de C.V. which had previously expressed its interest in having the Ministry of Economy begin the examination of the validity of the reference countervailing duties, however, that company does not submit a reply to the official form, arguments or evidence.
By virtue of the foregoing, the Ministry of the Economy declared concluded the procedure for the examination of the validity of the countervailing duties imposed on the imports of partially hydrogenated fatty acid originating in the United States of America and eliminated the corresponding countervailing duties.
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