Disability due to Covid-19
Due to a health emergency caused by force majeure, the epidemic of disease caused by the SARS-Cov2 virus (COVID-19), the Mexican Social Security Institute, took the following measure for the beneficiaries who are carriers of COVID 19 and can process their disability to not come to work at their workplaces.
The measure adopted by the IMSS consists of:
• Login to the website: http:/www.imss.gob.mx in the section of Interactive Platform IMSS / Permission COVID 19 or through the mobile application IMSS Digital, the following data is required: Social Security Number (NSS), Single Population Registration Key (CURP) and Zip Code (C.P.).
• A COVID 19 screening questionnaire will be displayed and will need to be answered individually in its entirety.
• Subsequently, and according to the answers to the questionnaire, it will be indicated if he is at risk of being a carrier of COVID 19 or not. If he is at risk, he must follow the indications indicated and report to 800 2222 668, to be attended to and evaluated. Depending on the above, it will indicate the next steps to follow.
• In case of having determined the risk of being a carrier of COVID 19, the corresponding Medical Unit must be assisted to carry out the necessary assessments and in case of being a carrier of COVID 19, to authorize disability in accordance with this health measure.
• The employer must be informed and given such disability and bank details must be provided for the purpose of allocating payment for the time of medical incapacity. And the process must be continued online.
• In case of NOT being at risk, only the relevant indications will be made to prevent infection, to take care of the health and that of their relatives.
This is the only way to prove a medical disability by COVID 19, which must be diagnosed and issued by the Mexican Social Security Institute. The effect of this disability for the worker is the temporary suspension of the services contracted and for the employer to pay the worker, as already mentioned, it will be the IMSS who will cover the workers on the days for which the disability was determined by COVID 19, in accordance with the Social Insurance Act and the relevant insurance.
In the event that the medical disability for COVID 19 issued by the Mexican Social Security Institute is not present, absence of assistance MUST BE CONSIDERED AS UNJUSTIFIED AND MAY BE GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT in accordance with article 47, X, of the Federal Labour Law.
Bandala | Díaz | García is constantly updating the most important issues of this health emergency.
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