Judicial Branch of CDMX.
Do you know what measures are being implemented by the Judicial Branch of CDMX to protect its personnel and attendees in the various jurisdictional areas before the resumption of work?
1.- A number of health security actions were identified, including specialized pathogenic disinfection actions, which are held at various times when the various judicial branch of CDMX are closed to the public.
2.- It was determined that the courts would function every working day, however alternately one day they would carry out their activities in an open manner to the public and the next day in camera, taking turns between peers and peers, For which, by agreement Volante V-31/2020, the Suspension of Procedural Terms was determined in the Civil and Family Chambers, Civil and Family Courts of Written and Oral Procedure, as well as in the Civil Courts of Minor Amount, those days when those bodies work behind closed doors.
3.- OPEN DOOR ACTIVITIES. On the days when the courts work at an open door, attention will be given to the public in a normal manner, however, there will be no deliveries of documents and deposit tickets.
4.- ACTIVITIES IN CAMERA.- In the days when the courts work in camera, the courts will carry out their activities in a normal manner, without paying attention to the public, with the exception of the delivery of documents and deposit notes and the holding of hearings in oral proceedings.
5.- Only interested parties and a legal assistant will be allowed to carry covers at all times, use sanitizing gel, take temperature, and keep the distance between those who are in the judicial precinct.
6.- Only a maximum of ten people will be allowed to enter for the loan and consultation of files, reducing to a minimum their stay in the area.
7.- Applications for the return of files from the Judicial Archive will be sent by the Chambers and Courts in civil and family matters in electronic form by official e-mail.
8.- It was decided to authorize the FREE use of the electronic platform called Integral System for the Consultation of Resolutions (SICOR), in order to reduce the assistance of the justiciables, lawyers and the general public in the buildings of the Judicial Branch of Mexico City.
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