Payment in Partiality by ISR Annual 2019
We know that in response to the declaration of health due to force majeure, derived from the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), individuals have been affected economically, and many of them have either opted for the suspension of activities or do not have sufficient income to achieve economic stability. However, natural persons who have earned income in the financial year 2019 are obliged to submit their annual declaration by 30 April 2020, in accordance with Art. 150 of the Income Tax Act (LISR).
But what if I had an annual tax payable, and I can’t pay it? , because of the crisis that we are currently going through with COVID-19 disease, even if the natural persons wanted to comply with the obligation of their annual payment is almost impossible since most of them do not have the solvency to be able to cover that payment.
That is why in the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (RMF) for 2020 in rule 3.17.4, we are told that natural persons may opt for payment in partiality up to six months, provided that the annual declaration is submitted within the time limit set out above, If the taxpayer does not make his payment, he must also pay the surcharges for failure to pay on time.
If you are a natural person and you are presenting this problem we invite you to come to Bandala | Díaz | García to be able to advise you on the partial payments that you could apply derived from the Income Tax that resulted in your charge, We also invite you to know our social networks where you can keep informed with relevant news that can be of help.
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