Procedures Before the IMPI
In recent days we have been asked a lot about the procedures that are discussed with the authorities of the Intellectual Property: Mexican Institute of the Industrial Property (IMPI) and the National Institute of the Copyright (INDAUTOR), but especially those that have to do with trademark and patent registrations, as well as figurative searches among other formalities.
In this regard, it should be noted that, as a result of the measures taken by COVID-19 in response to the health emergency, both IMPI and INDAUOTR are on hold, tentatively until 31 May, unless the period of suspension by the health authorities of our country is extended.
Notwithstanding the above, the IMPI, through its Internet portal, has made available to users the possibility of making certain formalities online, such as:
-Application for registration of trademark;
-Application for registration of commercial notice;
-Application for registration of commercial name;
-Phonetic searches;
-Among others.
However, it is very important to note that the effect of initiating this type of procedure is only to receive the allocation of a file number by the authority and not to enter into the examination of particular cases. In other words, the IMPI only opened its platform to allow access to the aforementioned procedures, but NOT to initiate the study (of form and substance) of these. This, as we have already commented, is due to the fact that the qualifiers of this authority are not currently working.
For its part, the INDAUTOR completely suspended its activities. Which he will resume once the health authorities and the traffic light for the return to the New Normal indicate it.
Bandala | Díaz | García keeps you informed about the most relevant legal and accounting issues that occur in these times of pandemic. And remember that, in support of your business or activity, our firm is providing free consulting.
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