The Ministry of the Economy published in the Official Journal of the Federation the FINAL resolution of the administrative procedure for the examination of the validity of the countervailing duty imposed on imports of sodium hexamethaphosphate originating in the People’s Republic of China.
It should be noted that the decision in question is preceded by the Final Resolution of the anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of sodium hexamethaphosphate originating in the People’s Republic of China which was published in the Official Journal of the August 2004, in which a definitive countervailing duty of 102.22 per cent was determined.
Subsequently, on July 2, 2015, the final resolution of the second review of the validity of the countervailing quota was published in the Official Journal of the Federation and it was determined to maintain it in force for another five years.
Through the publication of the notice on the validity of countervailing quotas dated 11 September 2018, domestic producers and any person having a legal interest were informed, that the definitive countervailing duty imposed would be eliminated as from the date of its expiration.
At this stage, the company Quimir, S.A. de C.V. expressed its interest in the Ministry of Economy to begin the review of the validity of the compensatory contribution in commenting, reason why on July 1, 2019 the resolution to start the third review of the validity of this quota was published in the Official Journal of the Federation.
The product under examination is a mixture of linear polyphosphates, known by the generic name sodium hexamethaphosphate, vitreous sodium polyphosphate or Graham salt. Its trade name is calgon and vitrafos. It is sold in three presentations: granular, slabs and powder, in technical and foodstuff grades and enter the Mexican market according to the following tariff description:
For the goods under examination identified above, it was determined that the examination procedure of the countervailing duty imposed on imports originating in the PRC of that product was terminated.
Similarly, it was decided to eliminate the final 25.35% countervailing duty imposed on imports of sodium hexamethaphosphate originating in China, a resolution that entered into force on 24 July 2020.
In Bandala | Díaz | García we have a lot of experience in Foreign Trade, come to us in case you have any doubt about this or any other topic related to this matter.
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