Triethanolamine. Anti-dumping investigation
The Ministry of Economy published on July 31, 2020 in the Official Journal of the Federation, the decision accepting the request from an interested party and declaring the initiation of the anti-dumping investigation procedure concerning imports of Triethanolamine originating in the United States of America, irrespective of the country of provenance.
In the publication it refers that the company Industrias Derivados de Etileno, S.A. de C.V., entered application for the initiation of the administrative procedure of investigation for unfair practices of international trade, in its modality of price discrimination, which was accepted by the Secretary of Economy.
The subject of the investigation shall be the commodity known as triethanolamine or TEA. It is a chemical belonging to the category of ethanolamines that, combined with the properties of amino and alcohol, can create common reactions with both groups or others, such as acids, salts or soaps.
This product is usually imported and marketed in different degrees of purity and enters the national market through tariff item 2922.13.01 and having a bifunctional nature allows it to be used in different industrial sectors ranging from industry cement works; to pharmaceutical and cosmetic laboratories, for the manufacture of personal care products such as toiletries and cosmetics, surfactants, agents, textile specialities, waxes, polishers, herbicides, petroleum demulsifiers, intermediaries in concrete additives and adhesives, cement additives, cutting, film developers, corrosion inhibitor, dispersant for dyers, casein, shellac and rubber latex, among others.
The investigation period shall run from 1 January to 31 December 2019 and the injury analysis period shall run from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019.
The above-mentioned resolution provides an opportunity for those natural or legal persons interested in participating in the investigation procedure, within 23 working days commencing five days after the date of dispatch of the official notification of the initiation of proceedings, or five days after the publication of the decision in the Official Journal.
If your company imports triethanolamine as part of its production inputs, in Bandala | Díaz | García we have the specialized personnel who can help you determine the convenience of participating in this research.
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