Introducción al juicio ordinario laboral / Introduction to Ordinary Labor Trial
Las normas que regulan el procedimiento ordinario laboral comprenden de los artículos 870 al 891 de la Ley Federal del Trabajo; éste va a regir los conflictos individuales o colectivos que no tengan una tramitación especial. La clasificación de los conflictos colectivos e individuales no corresponde o no refiere a un carácter numérico sino a que en estos conflictos se vea de por medio un contrato individual o un contrato colectivo.
El procedimiento ordinario comprende dos fases: la fase de instrucción y la fase de resolución.
The guidelines that rule the ordinary labor trial are in articles from 870 to 891 of the Federal Labor Law, this one will rule the collective and individual conflicts that don’t require a special process. The classification of collective and individual conflicts has nothing to do with a number nature but that these conflicts deal with a collective or individual contract.
The ordinary proceeding has two phases: the instruction phase and resolution phase.
The instruction phase has five stages: the first one is the lawsuit filing, ruling accepting jurisdiction, notices, summons, and notification, the second stage is the lawsuit and exceptions conciliation hearing; the third stage is the admission of evidence; the fourth is the presentation of evidence in open court and finally the fifth is the trial’s closing.